The Impact of

Product Design

Product Design is a collection of disciplines ranging from research to user experience and user interface design. There is no one size fits all solution for digital products. Each product comes with a different set of users and business goals. We analyze all the inputs, pain points and goals for the user and the business before we build.

Once the strategic plan is in place and the key metrics for success are understood, we follow that plan and design engaging digital experiences for your users that translate into successful business goals.


Saas/ Modern Applications

CleanSlates proven experts help bring an innovative product approach to your SaaS applications. We create engaging digital experiences that are user centric, while executing on your business goals. We start with a well thought out process to insure your solution is on the best path to success.

Mobile Applications

Our clients benefit from our expertise in product design for multi-platform custom mobile solutions. The quality of the user experience is a key differentiator in a great app. Users expect great UX and a clean easy to understand UI. CleanSlate takes your vision and finds the best solution to your business goals.

Success Stories


Through our Builders & Makers Series learn about how we innovated on a product for an enterprise SasS application. With a sleek new interface and simplified user patterns, this app writes a new chapter for this organization.

Product Design Capabilities

Our team of experts will guide you through the product design process. During the product journey, we will uncover the facets that make your users and product unique. With this foundation the process will yield high impact user centric experiences to grow your product to new levels.


Discovery starts with a series of meetings initially covering the high level goals, known pain points and personas. As we move through the discovery process the sessions get more focused in on specific areas of the app.

  • Product goals
  • Define user personas
  • Legacy (if exists) product analysis
  • Research and competitive analysis


Researching users groups, competitors, technical requirements and outcomes sets up successful UI/UX designs. This phase expands upon the information gathered during discovery and gains the team a deeper understanding of the unique challenges of the program.

    • Conduct user interviews
    • Perform competitive analysis
    • Analyze pain points

UX Design

User Experience (UX) design is the plan that brings it all together for users and the app. This is driven by research and analysis performed earlier in the process. This area’s focus is on users’ experience as they move through and interact with the application.

    • Identify user journey maps
    • Create User flows
    • Design Wireframes
    • Build Interaction design

UI Design

UI design is the visual manifestation of the patterns set forth in the UX design phase. This is the part of the application that users see and evokes an emotional response from users. This includes color, typography, visual design patterns and other user-facing aspects of the interface.

    • Create design system
    • Design mockups
    • Create style guides


A clickable design prototype is a functional representation of how your final product will look and feel. This is a low-cost way to let users navigate through the UI, while getting a very close feel to the end product. This feedback is invaluable for user testing, complex features and can provide ROI with reduced development time.

    • Creating clickable prototypes
    • User testing
    • Feature evaluation
    • Analysis and refinement


Once the design is approved, it is time to bring your solution to life. As technical experts, we seamlessly move organizations away from legacy, monolithic systems, and help them accelerate innovation, create products that matter, and realize business value.

    • Web-Enabled
    • Cloud Native
    • Mobile

Ready to get started?

If you have questions please fill out the form, and we will get you the answers you need to start your product design journey.